Our planet and us
We have many things to be grateful for, and our beautiful planet is one of them. In fact, that is one of the reasons why we are here.

Our work as grant and innovation consultants usually touches one or more of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Combined with a general concern for the overall well-being of our society, this is what brought our people together. So while they work on bolstering green innovations, fostering social inclusion, and enabling groundbreaking new therapies, as a group we also take responsibility for our environment.

Sustainable Development Goals
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) clarify the major challenges we face together in today’s world. Through the projects in which we support our clients, we get involved with almost all the SDGs. But if we look at our own ESG footprint there are also lots of areas where we can do our bit. To name a few:
we donate our used laptops and cellphones to a good cause (SDG1)
through office facilities and staff outings, we encourage our employees to balance work and fun (SDG3)
our brand PNO Consultants is initiator of AdoptIdee (SDG4)
we actively pursue a policy to bring more women to the top (SDG5)
the use of fossil fuel company cars is currently being phased out (SDG7)
we strive for a safe working environment (i.e. whistleblower policy and trustees) (SDG8)
we work hard towards paperless and printless offices, for example by using a home developed system for WBSO applications (SDG12).
Working for a better world never stops
Working for a better world never stops. In fact, together we have only just begun – and we realize this all to well. That’s why we do our utmost to make a positive contribution where we can and why we encourage our business divisions to come up with effective initiatives to implement every change for the better. And we want to be fully transparent about our ESG efforts. We hence follow the guidelines of the CSRD – the Corporate Sustainable Reporting Directive. In the Netherlands we are an active member of MVO Nederland.